Admission to the various courses taught in the college areas per the merit and other norms laid down by Shivaji Universityand the Government of Maharashtra received from time to time. Entrance exams, interviews and other parameters will be decided by the Admission Committee and Principal to the need and requirement etc. The rights of admission are reserved by the principal subject to amendments and modificcations received by the University and Government of Maharashtra. Admission guidelines will be displayed on the college notice board time to time.Beforeseeking the admissions the concerned are advised to go through admission notices.
For B.A. I, B.Sc. I, B.Com. I required eligibility criterion | |
1) | Passing in H.S.C. exam.of Maharashtra State Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board. |
2) | Any other exams. recognized equivalent by the Board of Government on Maharashtra. |
Category wise reservations as laid down by Government |
Category - I
Scheduled Caste | (SC) | 13.00 % |
Scheduled Tribe | (ST) | 07.00 % |
Vimukta Jati | (VJA) | 03.00 % |
Nomadic Tribes | (NTB) | 02.50 % |
Nomadic Tribes | (NTC) | 03.50 % |
Nomadic Tribes | (NTD) | 02.00 % |
Other backward class | OBC / SBC | 19.00 % |
Total | 50.00 % |
Category - II
I - Dependents / wards of | |
a) Employees on transfer | |
b) Employees of Defence services | |
c) Ex-Services men | |
d) Freedom Fighters | |
II - Children affected by natural calamities | |
III - Handicapped | 05 % |
Category - III
Sports / Games / Cultural Achievements | 02 % |
Category - IV
General Open Merit | 43 % |
Total | 100 % |
Stage I | Provisional admission form will be issued as per schedule fixed by the college. |
Stage II | Merit list will be displayed on the notice board with a schedule. |
Stage III | Admission will be issued on the submission of required documents. |
1) | Admission form duly filled in with passport size photograph affixed in the space provided. |
2) | Mark lists of H.S.C./ S.S.C / Previous exams. |
3) | Leaving Certificate |
4) | Aadhar Card |
5) | Eligibility form.(for frist year students only) |
6) | Caste Certificates (as per requirement) |
7) | Games / Sports Certificates (as per need) |
8) | Certificates issued by concerned authority i ) Defence Services ii ) Defence Services iii ) Defence Services iv ) Defence Services v ) Defence Services vi ) Defence Services |
9) | Other dicuments required by the Shivaji University for the eligibility to the course |
Note - Application form for vatious scholarship, free studentship and E.B.C. should be submitted in due course of time