02326- 299007
Accredited By NAAC 'B'
Co-Curricular Activities

Co-Curricular and Extra-Curricular

Sr.No. Co-Curricular and Extra-Curricular
1. N.S.S
2. Counseling
3. Saheli Vyaktimatva Vikas Manch (A Platform for Girls’ personality developments)
4. Personality Development, Competitive Examinations and Employment Guidance Cell
5. Educational Tour
6. Competitive Examination Coaching Centre
7. Wall posters and Periodical –‘Gagantara’
8. Students’ Contact, Discipline and Attendance
9. Committee for Prevention of Sexual Harassment
10. Anti Ragging Cell
11. The Scheme of Lead College
12. Cultural Activities
13. Students’ Suggestions and Redressal cell
14. Students’ Feed back about college activities and performance of Teachers


Founder President
We established the educational Institution under the name of ‘Dnyansadhana Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, Nivade in 1992 with a clear vision about the development in education of the vicinity. We are observing the total situation of the area from our childhood.