02326- 299007
Accredited By NAAC 'B'
Teaching Staff

Teaching Staff

The College has formed a committee named Staff Academy. Through the committee, the lectures and discussion on current subjects have been arranged. These activities proved a fruitful result in the overall development of the faculty. It is our pleasure to state that the non-teaching staff is also interested in attending the lectures.

Sr.No. Full Name of the Teacher Designation Qulification Date of Appointment Date of Retierment
1. Dr.Namdev Krishna Mole Assi.Prof in Mrathi M.A., B.Ed, M.Phil, Ph.D 15/11/1995 31/05/2027
2. Sou.Vasundhara Udaysingha Assi.Prof in Hindi M.A., B.Ed, M.Phil 15/11/1995 30/11/2027
3. Dr.Sanbhaji Ananda More Assi.Prof in History M.A., B.Ed, M.Phil, Ph.D 15/11/1995 31/07/2027
4. Shri Bajirao Daulu Patil Dir.of P.E. M.P.Ed,M.Phil, 26/12/1995 31/05/2024
5. Dr. Dhanaji Baburao Ingawale Assi.Prof in Ecominics M.A., M.Phil,PhD 26/12/1995 31/07/2031
6. Shri.Prakash Ganpat Kumbhar Assi.Prof in English M.A. 1/1/1996 31/10/2029
7. Smt.Meena Bhagawatrao Sawant Assi.Prof in Sociology M.A., M.Phil, SET 1/1/1996 31/12/2030
8. Shri.Prashant Kondiba Powar Assi.Prof in Ecominics M.A., M.Phil 01/12/1999 31/05/2032
9. Dr.Bhagwan Shamrao Padval Librarin M.Com,M.Lib.,Inf.Sai,M.Phil,Ph.D 01/12/1999 31/07/2028
10. Shri.Anil Baccharam Mohite Assi.Prof in Political Sci. M.A., B.Ed, M.Phil 01/12/2000 31/02/2033
11. Shri.Janardan Shrikant Jadhav Assi.Prof in Histry M.A., B.Ed, SET 1/12/2006 31/01/2040
12. Dr.Vinod Rama Kamble Assi.Prof in Marathi M.A., B.Ed, SET/ NET, Ph.D 01/03/2008 30/06/2038
13. Shri..Ajit Dadu Phalke Assi.Prof in Hindi M.A., B.Ed, SET/ NET 01/03/2008 31/05/2040
14. Dr.Smt.Sharwari Kiran Mengane Assi.Prof in Botany M.Sc.,Ph.D 15/07/2014 31/12/2040
15. Dr.Rajendra Pandurang Patil Assi.Prof in Chemistry M.Sc.,Ph.D 15/07/2014 31/01/2042
16. Shri.Amol Digamber Pinjarkar Assi.Prof in Chemistry M.Sc.,NET 15/07/2014 31/07/2048
17. Shri.Amar Chendrakant Bhosale Assi.Prof in Chemistry M.Sc.,NET 10/01/2015 31/01/2046


Founder President
We established the educational Institution under the name of ‘Dnyansadhana Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, Nivade in 1992 with a clear vision about the development in education of the vicinity. We are observing the total situation of the area from our childhood.