02326- 254148
Accredited By NAAC 'B'


The college offers the Government of Maharashtra and Shivaji University, Kolhapur Scholarships.


Scholarships for Higher Education only:
1. University Scholarship for the subject of English and History
2. University Scholarship for the students from Social Sciences
3. University Scholarship for Hindi (Non-Hindi belt)
4. Scholarship by State Government for students from category, under scheme of free ship, Merit, class of lower income and Scholarship for Sportsmen
Renewal of Scholarships:
Scholarship from Government for Merit, Physical Handicapped, Rural Students, Primary Teachers’ children, National Loan and National Merit


Founder President
We established the educational Institution under the name of ‘Dnyansadhana Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, Nivade in 1992 with a clear vision about the development in education of the vicinity. We are observing the total situation of the area from our childhood.