गगनबावडा तालुक्याचे भाग्यविधाते लोकनेते म.ह.शिंदे यांच्या २५व्या स्मृतीदिनानिमित्त संस्थेचे सचिव मा.स्वप्नील शिंदे व प्राचार्य डॉ. एन .के.शिंदे यांच्या हस्ते प्रतिमा पूजन
We established the educational Institution under the name of ‘Dnyansadhana Shikshan
Prasarak Mandal, Nivade in 1992 with a clear vision about the development in education of
the vicinity. We are observing the total situation of the area from our childhood.